DollyCustom – Blythe Doll Customizers is an online project to gather all artists who create amazing Blythe doll customs. The first version of this site was launched in 2014 with 84 Blythe doll customizers. Currently, this site is in version three with more than 550 customizers each with a dedicated profile page, a gallery of images, and useful information. A lot of ideas are in the queue for this and upcoming versions, so please subscribe to our newsletter to receive updates.
DollyCustom also features a weekly selection of custom Blythe dolls for sale on Etsy.
Each customizer is represented by an individual page with:
- Brand Name
- Real Name
- Country
- Instagram Link
- Etsy Store Link
- Up to 3 dolls listed (for sale on Etsy)
And for the PRO members exclusively:
- Slideshow with sample images of the custom dolls
- Dolls listed for sale on Etsy (no limit)
- Small bio
- Links for other social media sites such as Facebook, YouTube, Personal Site or Store
- And more…
DollyCustom is also represented on Social Media, especially on Instagram and some Facebook Groups, with a large following that promotes its members.
If you are interested in getting listed on this site, please consider becoming a Pro member